• Monika Ryan Jazz Singer Songwriter - IndieViews

    Monika Ryan – IndieView #3

    [:it]Oggi in questo terzo appuntamento con le IndieViews faremo 4 chiacchere con Monika Ryan originaria di New York, da diversi anni a Chicago una discografia solista composta da 9 Album e con il recentissimo "NOW" uscito proprio in questi giorni. Laureata alla "The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music" nel 1997, ha partecipato per due stagioni alle serie di concerti nella "Carnegie Hall" oltre aver suonato in festival come il "Montreal International Jazz Festival", "Big Apple in Nonoichi Jazz festival" con relativo tour in Giappone. Ladies and Gentlmen ecco a voi:[:en]Interviews with great Independent Musicians from all over the world about: Music Business, Music Life, Recordings, Studio Sessions, Mixing…

  • Jazz Singer Songwriter KOSI - IndieViews

    Kosi – IndieView #2

    [:it]Eccoci al secondo appuntamento con le IndieViews, oggi parleremo con la cantautrice Jazz di New York KOSI. Ho avuto il piacere di conoscerla con il suo disco più recente “I know WHo I am” sempre durante la campagna dei 60th Grammy Awards. Ecco a voi KOSI[:en]Here we are at our second appointment with IndieViews. Today we will be talking with a jazz songwriter from New York, KOSI. I had the pleasure of getting to know her and her latest album “I know who I am” during the promotional tour for the 60th Grammy Awards. Here we go.[:]

  • Try Nguyen Zither Master - Indieviews

    Tri Nguyen – IndieView #1

    I met Tri and his music during the 60th Grammy Awards while we were both in ballot for the nominations. From the very beginning, I was charmed by his way of composing and by the highly interesting use he does of his Zither, by mixing the sound of his culture with classical music. I have admired the great attention and cure that he pays to his projects and I discovered some musical affinities, even though our paths and instruments are very different. Today I would like to introduce him to you.
