Mark Grundhoefer – IndieView 13th
In this thirteenth episode of the IndieViews Series, we are going to chat with Mark Grundhoefer. For the last decade, Mark has been a staple of the Los Angeles music scene playing in numerous bands, devoting countless hours of session work, and developing a full-time teaching studio.
Michelle Qureshi – IndieView #12
Award-winning Artist Michelle Qureshi is a composer, multi‐instrumentalist, and classically-trained guitarist. Discover her on our 12th IndieView.
Matt C White – IndieView #11
In this Eleventh episode of the IndieViews Series, we are going to chat with Matt C White a great and prolific musician, composer and songwriter from Brooklyn.
Andy Salvanos – IndieView #10
IndieView #10 - From city streets to stages and soundtracks, Andy Salvanos is internationally recognised for his unique voice on the Chapman Stick.
Matt Johnson – IndieView #9
In this ninth Episode of IndieViews, we are going to chat with the great Singer, Songwriter and Spotify hero from Chester, UK. Matt Johnson
Laura Campisi – IndieView #8
In this eighth episode of the IndieViews, we are going to chat abou with the Jazz Singer and Songwriter Laura Campisi a unique, new voice on the jazz scene.
Tommy Berre – IndieView #7
[:en]In this seventh episode of the IndieViews Series, we are going to chat with Tommy Berre an Independent Musician, Guitar player, composer and Spotify Playlist Curator from Norway. Let's discover more about him, his music and his Spotify Projects [:]
Danaë Vlasse – IndieView #6
[:it]In this sixth episode of the IndieViews, we are going to chat with the amazing Pianist and Composer from Bordeaux, France now based in Los Angeles.[:en]In this sixth episode of the IndieViews we are going to chat with the amazing Pianist and Composer from Bordeaux, France now based in Los Angeles.[:]
Shoshana Michel – IndieView #5
[:it]In questo quinto episodio della Serie IndieViews parleremo con Shoshana Michel l'Award Winning Pianista e Compositrice che vive a NYC. Aveva sette anni quando un venditore porta a porta per un studio locale bussò alla sua porta e suoi genitori la iscrissero alle lezioni di musica. [:en]In this fifth episode of the IndieViews we are going to chat with Shoshana Michel the Award Winning Pianist and Composer based in NYC and raised in Southern California. She was seven years old, a door-to-door salesman for a local music studio knocked on her front door. Her parents signed her up for music lessons.[:]
Toni Jannotta – IndieView #4
[:it]Quarto episodio delle Indieviews in compagnia di una bravissima Jazz singer songwriter e Composer che vive a Ventura in California. Un artista a tutto tondo che nella sua carriera ha ricevuto premi internazionali come il Global Music awards, Clouzine International Music Awards e tanti altri. [:en]In this fourth episode of the IndieViews we are going to chat with a great Jazz Singer Songwriter and composer from Ventura, California. During his career has been awarded with international prizes, a Global Music awards, Clouzine International Music Awards and more.[:]